Do I Need A Doctor's Referral?
Physiotherapists are primary care providers in Ontario, which means you are not required to bring a referral letter to see one of our physiotherapists.
However, in order to be covered by extended health insurance, you might be asked for a referral note by the insurance company.
We recommend that you check your insurance coverage before booking an appointment or you can contact us so we can assist with determining your coverage requirements.
Is The treatment Covered By OHIP?
As a private health-care facility, services at our clinic are not covered by OHIP.
Will Extended Health Insurance Cover My Treatment?
It depends on your insurance coverage if you are covered for physiotherapy services or not, but most plans that have dental or drug benefits also cover the services of a physiotherapist.
If you do have coverage, we're able to submit for reimbursement to the vast majority of insurance companies electronically, saving you the time and effort of filing your claim.
What If I Was Involved In A Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)?
If you have been involved in a recent MVA, then you can be assessed and a Treatment Plan will be submitted to your motor vehicle insurance company. If approved, treatment will be covered.
How Long Will I Have To Come For Therapy?
It depends on what the condition is, how chronic the condition is and how you respond to therapy.
An estimate regarding the frequency and duration of treatment can usually be given after the initial assessment.
On average, a frequency of once or twice per week is recommended.